Fundraising ideas
Facebook birthday fundraisers
Share your birthday with NorthPoint!
Celebrate your special day by inspiring your friends and family with your passion for NorthPoint, one of your favorite organizations that you love to support. Our Facebook Birthday Fundraiser initiative can help you take your influencer status to the next level. There’s no better way to toast another trip around the sun, rally your network and support a cause close to your heart. Simply go to your Facebook Home page, click on FUNDRAISERS, select NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center, set your fundraising goal and share with your network. Happy Birthday to YOU!
Alexa, donate to NorthPoint.
Do you shop on Amazon? Of course you do, what were we thinking?! As you shop with AmazonSmile, designate NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center as your charity of choice. Amazon will then donate a small portion of your purchase back to us. It’s free to you, compatible with Prime and .5% of the purchase price of eligible products is sent to NorthPoint (when you select us as your charity) to support our important work in the North Minneapolis community. Help make a difference in our health equity work every time you have the itch to shop! The more you shop, the more you’re giving back!