Billing and insurance
Pay online
You can pay your NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center bill online.
Pay my billInsurance
Discount options
We offer discounted rates on a "sliding scale" based on your income. Ask us if you are eligible! 612-348-4900
Payment plans
We offer no-interest payment plans that work for your financial situation.
Pay my billNo Surprises Act
Under the No Surprises Act, you are entitled to rights and protections against surprise medical bills.
Updated 09.26.22
Read more about the No Surprises ActGood Faith Estimates
Did you receive a Good Faith Estimate for your upcoming visit?
If you received a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) recently, it may not reflect your newest benefits. Your insurance or Medicaid coverage may have changed or expired.
A GFE is not a bill. You may or may not be charged the full amount listed on the GFE. It lists the items or services that can be reasonably expected for your health care needs, and it shows you how much the items and services will cost. This is based on what we know at the time we make the estimate.
If you have new benefits information or questions, please call us at 612-543-2500 to update us over the phone. You may also update your benefits information on MyChart or bring your newest information to your next visit.